Kompres Hangat dan Kompres Ramuan Dadap Serep untuk Mengatasi Hipertermi pada Anak di Desa Sanggomo

Isna Wahyuningsih(1*), Ratna Setiyaningsih(2)
(1) STIKes Mitra Husada Karanganyar
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.54877/stethoscope.v4i1.997


Abstrak Demam adalah suatu keadaan suhu tubuh di atas normal akibat peningkatan pusat pengatur suhu di hipotalamus. Angka kejadian demam di Jawa Tengah pada tahun 2018 mencapai 27,2% (Kemenkes RI, 2019). Jika demam tidak ditangani maka dapat mengakibatkan dehidrasi dan kejang. Tindakan untuk mengatasi demam secara non farmakologi yaitu dengan memberikan kompres hangat dan kompres ramuan dadap serep. Tujuan dilakukan tindakan ini untuk mendeskripsikan penatalaksanaan perawatan demam : kompres hangat dan kompres ramuan dadap serep terhadap anak hipertermi. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan subjek penelitian yaitu non-probability sampling dengan pendekatan total sampling. Subjek penelitian adalah anak yang mengalami demam sejumlah 2 anak di desa Sanggomo. Hasil penelitian kedua subjek mengalami panas tinggi disertai batuk pilek, tampak gelisah, mukosa bibir kering, kulit subjek teraba hangat, kulit tampak kemerahan, RR: 24 – 26 x/menit, nadi: 84 - 88 x/menit, suhu: 38,5-39o C. Kesimpulan tindakan pemberian kompres hangat dan kompres ramuan dadap serep dapat menurunkan suhu tubuh. Kata Kunci : kompres hangat, kompres ramuan dadap serep, hipertermi. Warm Compresses and Dadap Serep Herb Compresses to Overcome Hypertermy on Children at Sanggomo Village Abstract Abstract: Fever is a condition where the body temperature is above normal due to an increase in the temperature regulating center in the hypothalamus. The incidence of fever in Central Java in 2018 reached 27.2% (Kemenkes RI, 2019). If fever is not treated it can cause dehydration and seizures. Actions to treat fever non-pharmacologically are by giving warm compresses and compresses made from dadap serep decoction. The purpose of this action is to describe the management of fever care: warm compresses and compresses made from dadap serep for hyperthermic children. The research method used qualitative methods with a case study approach. The technique for selecting research subjects was non-probability sampling with a total sampling approach. The research subjects were 2 children who had fever at Sanggomo village. The results of the research is both subjects experienced high fever accompanied by a cold cough, looked restless, dry lip mucosa, the subject’s skin felt warm, the skin looked reddish, RR: 24 - 26 x/minute, pulse: 84 - 88 x/minute, temperature: 38.5 -39°C. In conclusion, the action of giving warm compresses and dadap serep herb compresses can reduce body temperature. Keywords: warm compress, dadap serep herb compresses, hypertermi

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