Author Guidelines

General Guidelines

  1. The article is the result of his own work, has never been published, contains contemporary elements and is scientific in nature.
  2. The title of the article must be specific, clear, concise, informative, and describe the substance of the writing and does not need to be preceded by the word research/analysis/study, unless the word is the subject of the discussion and is written in two languages (Indonesian and English).
  3. The author's name is written clearly; complete without mentioning the title; The original name; the writing of the name is not abbreviated; The main author's name is at the top of the list.
  4. The author's address contains the name of the agency/institution where the author works and the author's e-mail address (may not be the agency's e-mail address).
  5. The abstract is written in two languages, namely Indonesian which contains no more than 200 words. The abstract must contain the main problem, research objectives, research methods, and a brief statement of research results and conclusions.
  6. Keywords written in two languages (Indonesian and English), placed under the abstract, can be single words and compound words consisting of 3 - 5 (three to five) words.
  7. The contents of the research article consist of:
  8. Introduction (Background, Objectives)
  9. Research Method
  10. Results and Discussion (including illustrations: pictures, tables, graphs, photos, diagrams, etc.)
  11. Conclusion
  12. Acknowledgments (optional)
  13. Bibliography


Writing Procedures

  1. The article is typed 1.5 spaces on A4 paper, Arial font 11, margin 3-3-3-3, with a total of 10-15 pages (excluding attachments and bibliography). Introduction to bibliography made 2 (two) columns.
  2. Systematics: Title (Indonesian), author identity, abstract (Indonesian), Title (English), abstract (English), Introduction, Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Bibliography
  3. The title of the research is written in capital letters per word, conjunctions are written in small letters, in bold.
  4. Author: superscript number of authors (numbered in order of author on the right above the author's name)
  5. Institution name: adjust the order of the authors. Write the name of the study program and institution
  6. E-mail correspondence: write down the e-mail addresses of all authors
  7. Abstract: abstract words are in bold, Indonesian abstracts are printed upright, English abstracts are italicized.
  8. Tables are numbered sequentially, the title of the table is at most 10 (ten) words and is placed above the table, written in lowercase letters except for the first letter of the first word written in capital letters (except for abbreviations).
  9. Tables are created using only horizontal lines.
  10. Conclusions and Suggestions: in the form of paragraphs, not points
  11. Bibliography: minimum 10 references. Journal: last 5 years. Books: last 10 years. Reference 60% of journals.
  12. Reference writing: APA style