Pengaruh Promosi Kesehatan Personal Hygiene dalam Pencegahan Penyakit Skabies di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Burhan

Lisa Wahyu Suparno(1*), Eka Novitayanti(2)
(1) STIKes Mitra Husada Karanganyar
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.54877/stethoscope.v3i1.896


AbstrakSkabies merupakan penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh sarcoptes scabei variasi harmonis, yangpenularannya terjadi secara kontak langsung. Penyakit ini dapat ditularkan secara langsung, misalnyaberjabat tangan, tidur bersama, dan melalui hubungan seksual. Apabila di biarkan akan terjadi penularandimana di lingkungan pondok penularanya lebih cepat sehingga bisa mewabah. Tujuan dari penelitianini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh promosi kesehatan personal hygiene dalam pencegahan penyakitskabies Di Pondok Pesantren Nurul Burhan Kota Ngawi. Desain penelitian ini menggunakan metodeQuasi eksperimental design dan menggunakan rancangan Non-Equivalent Control Group Design.Sampel berjumlah 30 kelompok intervensi dan 30 kelompok control dengan menggunakan teknik totalsampling. Intervensi dilakukan peneliti cecara off line langsung ke santriwati. Teknik analisa data yangdigunakan yaitu Mann Whitney. Hasil Pre tes kelompok intervensisebagian besar 18 santriwati berprilakukurang sedangkan post tes sebagian besar sebagian besar 16 santriwati berperilaku baik. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan 0,059 (p > 0,05), perbedaan pretest dan posttest masing-masing kelompok menggunakanuji wilcoxon didapatkan p=0,000 (p<0,05) pada kelompok intervensi, sehingga ada perbedaan pretestdan posttest sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol didapatkan nilai p=0,342 (p>0,05), sehingga tidak adaperbedaan pretest dan posttest. Kesimpulan tidak ada pengaruh yang signifikan antara promosi kesehatanpersonal hygiene dalam pencegahan penyakit skabies.Kata kunci: promosi kesehatan, personal hygiene, skabiesThe Effect of Personal Hygiene Health Promotion in The Prevention of SkabiesDisease at The Nurul Burhan Islamic Boarding School Ngawi CityAbstractScabies is an infectious disease caused by the harmonious variation of Sarcoptes scabiei, whichis transmitted by direct contact. This disease can be transmitted directly, for example shaking hands,sleeping together, and through sexual intercourse. If left unchecked, transmission will occur where inthe cottage environment the transmission is faster so that it can become epidemic. The purpose of thisstudy was to determine the effect of personal hygiene health promotion in preventing scabies at theNurul Burhan Islamic Boarding School, Ngawi City. The design of this study used a quasi experimentaldesign and a non-equivalent control group design. The sample consisted of 30 intervention groups and30 control groups using total sampling technique. The intervention was carried out by the researchersoff line directly to the female students. The data analysis technique used is Mann Whitney. The resultsof the pre-test of the intervention group, most of the 18 female students behaved less, while the post-testmost of the 16 female students behaved well. The results showed 0.059 (p > 0.05), the difference between 70STETHOSCOPE VOL. 3 NO. 1 - JUNI 2022 ISSN 2722-8118 (Printed) 2723-4096 (Online)the pretest and posttest of each group using the Wilcoxon test was p = 0.000 (p <0.05) in the interventiongroup, so that there was a difference between the pretest and posttest while in the control group the scorewas obtained. p=0.342 (p>0.05), so there is no difference between pretest and posttest. The conclusionis that there is no significant effect between the promotion of personal hygiene in preventing scabies.Keywords : health promotion, personal hygiene, skabies

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