Penatalaksanaan Endorphin Massage dan Kompres Hangat dengan Masalah Ketidaknyamanan: Nyeri Punggung pada Kehamilan Trimester III di Desa Gupit

Yosi Rismaya(1*), Tutik Rahayuningsih(2)
(1) STIKes Mitra Husada Karanganyar
(*) Corresponding Author
DOI : 10.54877/stethoscope.v3i1.893


AbstrakPada kehamilan trimester III terjadi perubahan fisik dan sistem tubuh. Sejalan bertambahnya beratbadan secara bertahap selama kehamilan, pusat gravitasi tubuh bergeser ke depan ada kecenderunganotot punggung untuk menekan punggung yang menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan. Ketidaknyamanan nyeripunggung dapat di atasi dengan memberikan sentuhan terapeutik (endorphin massage) dan kompreshangat. Tujuan penelitian mendeskripsikan penatalaksanaan endorphin massage dan kompres hangatdengan masalah ketidaknyamanan nyeri punggung pada kehamilan trimester III. Desain penelitianadalah penelitian diskriptif kualitatif menggunakan studi kasus (case study research) dengan pendekatanproses keperawatan. Populasi penelitian ini sejumlah 5 orang ibu hamil trimester 3. Jumlah subjek 3orang. Teknik pengambilan subjek non-probability sampling dengan pendekatan purposive sampling.Pengkajian PQRST : nyeri pada punggung sampai tulang ekor karena pembesaran rahim, nyeri sepertitertusuk - tusuk dengan skala nyeri 5-6, nyeri di rasakan hilang timbul dengan durasi waktu 10-20menit, ekspresi wajah meringis menahan nyeri dengan memejamkan mata, tangan subjek menggosokgosok dan memegangi punggung, TFU pertengahan pusat 31-35 cm, prosesus xiphoideus teraba lunak(bokong bayi). TTV: 120/70-130/80 mmHg, RR: 18 kali per menit, N: 80-84 kali per menit, S: 36,2-36,7℃. Diagnosis keperawatan nyeri akut berhubungan dengan agens cidera biologis (pembesaranrahim). Tindakan keperawatan sentuhan terapeutik (endorphin massage) dan kompres hangat, dilakukanselama 7 hari setiap kali tindakan 30 menit. Evaluasi secara umum endorphin massage dan kompreshangat dapat menurunkan tingkat nyeri dari skala nyeri 6 menjadi 3. Endorphin massage dan kompreshangat dapat mengatasi ketidaknyamanan nyeri punggung. Penelitian ini dapat diimplementasikan padaibu hamil trimester 3 yang mengalami nyeri punggung.Kata kunci: endorphin massage, kompres hangat, nyeri punggungManagement of Endorphin Massage and Warm Compression with InvisibilityProblem: Back Pain on Trimester III Pregnancy in Gupit VillageAbstractIn the third trimester of pregnancy there are physical changes and body systems. As weight gainsgradually during pregnancy, the body’s center of gravity shifts forward and there is a tendency for theback muscles to press against the back causing discomfort. The discomfort of back pain can be overcomeby providing a therapeutic touch (endorphin massage) and warm compresses. The purpose of the studywas to describe the management of endorphin massage and warm compresses with the problem of backpain discomfort in the third trimester of pregnancy. The research design is a descriptive qualitativeresearch using case study research with a nursing process approach. The population of this study was5 pregnant women in the third trimester. The number of subjects was 3 people. The technique of taking 42STETHOSCOPE VOL. 3 NO. 1 - JUNI 2022 ISSN 2722-8118 (Printed) 2723-4096 (Online)the subject was non-probability sampling with a purposive sampling approach. PQRST assessment:pain in the back to the tailbone due to enlargement of the uterus, stabbing pain with a pain scale of5-6, pain felt intermittent with a duration of 10-20 minutes, facial expression grimacing with pain byclosing the eyes, rubbing the subject’s hands - Rubbing and holding the back, mid-central TFU 31-35cm, the xiphoid process felt soft (baby’s buttocks). TTV: 120/70-130/80 mmHg, RR: 18 times/minute, N:80-84 times/minute, S: 36.2-36.7℃. The nursing diagnosis of acute pain is related to a biologic agent ofinjury (enlargement of the uterus). Therapeutic touch nursing actions (endorphin massage) and warmcompresses, were carried out for 7 days every 30 minutes of action. In general evaluation endorphinmassage and warm compresses can reduce pain levels from a pain scale of 6 to 3. Endorphin massageand warm compresses can overcome the discomfort of back pain. This research can be implemented inthird trimester pregnant women who experience back pain.Keywords: endorphins massage, warm compresses, back pain

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