Elik Purwantini, Harjanti -




Standard qualification and staff education is the standards that focuses on hospital management. Based on pre- liminary study at PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar Hospital there are 19 medical record staff where as type c hospitals are accredited plenary there are staff who have not met standards. There are 13 staff D3 Medical record,

1 D3 computer  staff, and 5 high school  staff do not fulfill the qualification standard and staff education. There- fore the researcher aims to know the fulfillment of Medical Recorders Medical Information in accordance with the Qualification Standards and Education Staff in accreditation at the Hospital PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar.


Type of descriptive research. This research was conducted in SDI and medical record.Research subjects of SDI Officer, head of medical record, and medical record officer. The object of research is the data file staffing and staff credentials D3 medical record. Instrument of data collection with observation guidance and interview guide. How to collect data by observation and interview.


The result staff who have not met the qualification standard and staff education, the credential D3 Medical not complete.


Conclusion the education of medical record staffis the graduate of Medical record. It is recommended high school and computer D3to conduct further study with the program of acceleration of education of health personnel in

2017 (RPL).


Keyword : Qualification Standards and Education Staff






Standar Kualifikasi dan Pendidikan Staff merupakan standar yang berfokus pada manajemen rumah sakit. Ber- dasarkan studi pendahuluan di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar terdapat 19 staff rekam medis dimana sebagai rumah sakit tipe C terakreditasi paripurna ada staff yang belum memenuhi standar. Terdapat 13 staff D3 Rekam medis, 1 staff D3 Komputer, dan 5 staff SLTA. Untuk D3 Rekam medis ada yang belum memenuhi standar kualifikasi dan pendidikan staff. Oleh karena itu peneliti bertujuan mengetahui pemenuhan tenaga perekam medis informasi kesehatan sesuai standar kualifikasi dan pendidikan staff dalam akreditasi di Rumah Sakit PKU Muhammadiyah Karanganyar.


Jenis penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di bagian SDI dan rekam medis. Subyek penelitian Petugas SDI, Kepala rekam medis, dan petugas rekam medis. Objek penelitian adalah data file kepegawaian dan kredensial dari staff D3Rekam medis.Instrumen pengumpulan data dengan pedoman observasi dan pedoman wawancara. Peng- umpulan data dengan observasi dan wawancara.


Hasil penelitian staff rekam medis ada yang belum memenuhi standar kualifikasi dan pendidikan staff, kredensial staff D3Rekam medis masih belum lengkap.


Kesimpulan pendidikan staff rekam medis D3 Rekam medis. Disarankan sebaiknya staff  lulusan SLTA dan D3

Komputer melakukan studi lanjut dengan program percepat pendidikan tenaga kesehatan tahun 2017 (RPL).


Kata Kunci: Standar Kualifikasi dan Pendidikan Staff


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