Tri Handayani, Antik Pujihastuti



Based on the survey toward the old and new JKN outpatients started from patient registration until being served in specialist polyclinic, the average waiting time was 72 minutes. This condition was not in line with the Minimum Service Standard. The purpose of the research was knowing the service waiting time of the National Health Insurance (JKN) outpatients in the general public hospital of dr. Soeratno Gemolong. This research is descriptive research. The population was the average number of visits per day in February. The sampling used was accidental sampling with a total sample 100 patients. The research instruments were observation and stopwatch to count the waiting time. The data were collected through observation and unstructured interview. The data were analyzed by collecting data, editing, and data display. The data were analyzed descriptively. The research result shown that the registration of JKN patients had not been stated into details in the Standard Operational Procedures. Meanwhile, the polyclinic which was in line with Minimum Service took less than 60 minutes, for new patients which were dental clinic and for the old patients were dental clinic and hearing and screening clinic. Meanwhile, the old and the new patients which were not in accordance with Minimum Service Standard took more than 60 minutes, namely, internal disease clinic, surgery, pediatric, lungs, and hearing and screening clinic. It can be concluded that there had been Standard Operational Procedures that regulated general patient registration, however, that of for JKN outpatients had not been explained clearly. Thus, it needed information about the completeness of the requirements that was sticked in the information board and also reviewed the Standard Operational Procedures of JKN patient registration. The service waiting time of the JKN outpatients overall which met the SOP  were dental polyclinic and hearing and screening clinic, while that of which was not in accordance with the SOP were internal disease clinic, surgery, pediatric, and lungs. This happened since both the doctors had to visit the inpatients first and they had to conduct surgery in the operation room. Besides, there was only one distribution officer. Thus, it needed socialization to the polyclinic nurses to always remind the specialists dealing with the polyclinic visiting hour.


Key Word : Waiting Time, National Health Insurance Patients, Specialist Polyclinic




Berdasarkan survai terhadap pasien rawat jalan JKN baru dan lama dari pasien mendaftar sampai dilayani di poliklinik spesialis rata-rata waktu tunggu adalah 72 menit. Hal ini tidak sesuai dengan standar pelayanan minimal. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu Mengetahui lama waktu tunggu pelayanan pasien JKN rawat jalan di RSUD dr. Soeratno Gemolong. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif. Populasi yang digunakan yaitu jumlah rata-rata kunjungan perhari pada bulan Februari, sampel menggunakan teknik acidental sampling dengan total sampel 100 pasien. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan observasi, stopwatch untuk mengukur waktu tunggu. Cara pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi dan wawancara tidak terstruktur. Teknik pengolahan ini menggunakan collecting, editing, penyajian data. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam SOP belum diatur secara rinci pada pendaftaran pasien JKN. Sedangkan Poliklinik yang sesuai dengan SPM ≤ 60 menit, untuk pasien baru yaitu poliklinik gigi dan untuk pasien lama yaitu poliklinik gigi, THT. Sedangkan untuk pasien lama dan pasien baru yang tidak sesuai dengan SPM ≥ 60 menit yaitu poliklinik dalam, bedah, anak, paru, THT. Simpulan hasil penelitian bahwa sudah ada SOP yang mengatur pendaftaran pasien umum akan tetapi untuk


pendaftaran pasien JKN Rawat Jalan belum diuraikan secara jelas. Oleh karena itu perlu adanya informasi tentang kelengkapan persyaratan yang ditempel di papan informasi/papan pengumuman serta mengkaji kembali isi SOP pendafaran pasien JKN. Waktu tunggu pelayanan pasien JKN rawat jalan secara keseluruhan yang sesuai yaitu poliklinik gigi dan THT, sedangkan yang belum sesuai yaitu poliklinik dalam, bedah, anak, paru. Hal ini dikarenakan dokter yang harus visite pasien rawat inap terlebih dahulu maupun dokter melaksanakan operasi dikamar operasi, selain itu petugas pendistribusian hanya ada 1 petugas. Oleh karena itu sosialisasi kepada perawat poliklinik untuk selalu mengingatkan kepada dokter spesialis terkait jam datang poliklinik.


Kata kunci : Waktu Tunggu, pasien JKN, poliklinik Spesialis


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