Based on the results of a preliminary survey conducted in RSI Amal Sehat Sragen indicate that the incompleteness of the review authentication highest not being filled name of the nurse and the name of the guardian in charge of forms detailing the provision of education as much as 100% (5 DRM) and disease Renal Colic in RSI Amal Sehat Sragen including number 7 in 10 major common disease. The aim of research to determine the completeness of documents Inpatient Patient Medical Record Renal Colic in RSI Amal Sehat Sragen. Descriptive study. The pop- ulation in the study were all document medical records with a diagnosis of Renal Colic in RSI Amal Sehat Sragen Fourth Quarter 2015. The sample size 70 document medical records taken with saturated sampling. Retrieving data using the check list. The data collection, observation and unstructured interview. The type of data analysis is descriptive. The results showed that the highest percentage of absence form sheet by 14% (10 DRM) contained in the mature form of nutritional screening. The lowest percentage at charging name, medical record number, and the patient’s age at 59% (41 DRM) contained in the form of nursing records. Not being filled important reporting form by date / hour and diagnosis of 100% (70 DRM) contained in the form visit the doctor and the provision of education. Not being filled as full names and signatures of doctors, nurses, and caregivers of patients at 100% (70
DRM) contained in the form of education provision. Whereas documentation done improperly by 60% (42 DRM) contained in a copy of the prescription form. Suggested document medical records of hospitalized patients with Re- nal Colic in the case of attachment form the results of all of the patient’s identity using either filled out completely and manual lable. Giving back to the socialization of medical personnel and medical records to perform charging and fault rectification.
Keywords: Quantitative analysis, Renal colic
Berdasarkan hasil survei pendahuluan yang dilakukan di RSI Amal Sehat Sragen menunjukkan bahwa ketidak- lengkapan dalam review autentikasi tertinggi tidak terisinya nama perawat dan nama wali penanggungjawab ter- dapat formulir pemberian edukasi sebanyak 100% (5 DRM) dan penyakit Renal Colic di RSI Amal Sehat Sragen termasuk nomor 7 dalam 10 besar penyakit yang sering dijumpai. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui Kelengka- pan Dokumen Rekam Medis Rawat Inap Pasien Renal Colic di RSI Amal Sehat Sragen. Jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah seluruh dokumen rekam medis dengan diagnosis Renal Colic di RSI Amal Sehat Sragen Triwulan IV Tahun 2015. Besar sampel 70 dokumen rekam medis yang diambil dengan sampling jenuh. Pengambilan data menggunakan check list. Cara pengumpulan datanya yaitu observasi dan wawancara tidak ter- struktur. Jenis analisis dataadalah deskriptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase tertinggi tidak adan- ya lembar formulirsebanyak 14% (10 DRM) terdapat pada form skrining gizi dewasa.Persentase terendahpada pengisian nama, nomor rekam medis, dan umur pasien sebesar 59% (41 DRM) terdapat pada formulir catatan keperawatan. Tidak terisinya formulir pelaporan penting berdasarkan tanggal/jam dan diagnosis sebesar 100% (70 DRM) terdapat pada formulir visit dokter dan pemberian edukasi. Tidak terisinya secara lengkap nama dan tanda tangan dokter, perawat, dan wali pasien sebesar 100% (70 DRM) terdapat pada formulir pemberian edukasi. Sedangan pendokumentasian yang dilakukan tidak benar sebesar 60% (42 DRM) terdapat pada formulir salinan resep.Disarankan dokumen rekam medis pasien rawat inap dengan kasus Renal Colic pada formulir penempelan hasil pemeriksaan semua identitas pasien diisi dengan lengkap baik menggunakan lable maupun manual. Mem-
berikan sosialisasi kembali kepada petugas medis dan rekam medis dalam melakukan pengisian dan pembetulan kesalahan.
Kata kunci: Analisis kuantitatif, Renal colic
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