Anny Noor Iswanti, Erna Zakiyah


This study was conducted to analyze the design file rack of anthropometric aspects, dimensions document medical
records and system alignment in the filing in general PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Gubug Year 2013-2014 by the
method of observation. The study is a descriptive study with retrospective approach. The variables of this research
is the design file rack, anthropometry, medical record dimensions, alignment system. The results of this study are
rack size file in PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Gubug: 230 cm high shelf, shelf length 240 cm, width 60 cm, and
the average thickness of 0.3 cm of medical record documents that are capable of storing 8000 medical record.
Ergonomically While researchers redesign the rack is capable of storing 10,000 medical record because of the
expansion of 25% for centralized storage system. Conclusion: The size of an existing file shelves yet ergonomic.
Keywords: File Shelving, Anthropometry, Dimensional Medical Record Documents, alignment system
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis desain rak file dari aspek antropometri, dimensi dokumen rekam medis
dan sistem penjajaran di bagian filing di Rumah Sakit umum PKU Muhammadiyah Gubug Tahun 2013-2014 dengan
metode observasi. Penelitian merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan retrospektif. Variabel penelitian
ini adalah Desain rak file, antropometri, dimensi dokumen rekam medis, sistem penjajaran. Hasil penelitian ini
adalah Ukuran rak file di Rumah Sakit Umum PKU Muhammadiyah Gubug : tinggi rak 230 cm, panjang rak 240
cm, lebar 60 cm, dan tebal rata-rata dokumen rekam medis 0,3 cm sehingga mampu menyimpan 8000 dokumen
rekam medis. Sedangkan secara ergonomis peneliti mendesain ulang rak tersebut mampu menyimpan 10.000
dokumen rekam medis karena adanya expansion 25% untuk sistem penyimpanan sentralisasi. Simpulan : Ukuran
rak file yang sudah ada belum ergonomis.
Kata kunci : Rak File, Antropometri, Dimensi Dokumen rekam medis, Sistem penjajaran


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