Eka Sruni Rahayu, Antik Pujihastuti, Rohmadi RMD



In the Installation Medical Record Hospital Dr. Moewardi there is a mismatch between the document processing worklow with a manual medical record medical record installation services, in addition to the most oficials not comfortable because of the narrowness of the space, thus simplifying the onset of fatigue that result in decreased work productivity. Order to determine the spatial arrangement of the records Installation Work low aspects and Work Space in Hospital Dr. Moewardi. Type purely qualitative descriptive study, with cross sectional approach. Research methods of observation and interviews. The subject was oficers, object worklow and workspace Installation Medical Record, with descriptive analysis. The absence of a policy on spatial planning Installation Medical Record of aspects of work low and work space. The key task of the oficer is not in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures. In the worklow execution is not in accordance with the installation manual medical record services. Arrangement of work means work space aspect not meet the standards work space. Installing the spatial arrangement of medical records in accordance with standard aspect has not Work flow and Work Space. It is therefore necessary manufacture and SOP manuals tailored to the worklow activity. It is intended that the routine work process medical records implemented eficiently, effectively and consistently, and be able to work optimally so that labor productivity can be achieved.


Keywords : Work , olrokw W space, Installation d Maenddic aol ductivlaitbyRo erc or pr

Bibliography : 11 (2004 - 2010)



Di Instalasi Rekam Medis RSUD Dr. Moewardi terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara alur kerja pengolahan dokumen rekam medis dengan buku pedoman pelayanan instalasi rekam medis, selain itu sebagian petugas belum nyaman karena sempitnya ruang gerak sehingga mempermudah timbulnya kelelahan kerja yang berakibat menurunnya produktivitas kerja. Tujuan untuk mengetahui penataan ruang Instalasi rekam medis dari aspek Work low dan Work Space di RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Jenis Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif murni, dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Metode penelitian observasi dan wawancara. Subyek adalah petugas , obyek alur kerja dan area kerja Instalasi Rekam Medis, dengan analisis deskriptif. Belum adanya kebijakan tentang penataan ruang Instalasi Rekam Medis dari aspek work low dan work space. Tugas pokok petugas belum sesuai dengan Standar Operasional Prosedur. Dalam pelaksanaan alur kerja belum sesuai dengan buku pedoman pelayanan instalasi rekam medis. Penataan sarana kerja dari aspek work space belum memenuhi standar work space. Penataan ruang Instalasi rekam medis belum sesuai dengan standar aspek Work Flow dan Work Space. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pembuatan buku pedoman dan SOP disesuaikan dengan aktivitas alur kerja. Hal ini bertujuan bahwa proses kerja rutin unit rekam medis terlaksana dengan eisien, efektif dan konsisten serta dapat bekerja secara optimal sehingga produktivitas kerja dapat tercapai.


Kata kunci : Work low, Work space, Instalasi Rekam Medis dan produktivitas kerja

Kepustakaan : 11 ( 2004 - 2010)


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