               The problem of maternal and child health is still a crucial problem in Indonesia because MMR and The problem of maternal and child health is still a crucial problem in Indonesia because MMR and IMR are an indicator of the welfare of a nation. The government has made various improvement efforts but has not made significant progress. The problem of maternal mortality and infant mortality is related to various factors such as access, human resources, population (level of education, socio-cultural factors, poverty, purchasing power and population density), as well as policies that regulate and strive for affordability of access to health human resources and policies on population (PP IBI, 2016). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between education level and implementation of early detection of risky pregnancies by Posyandu cadres in Jaten Village, Karanganyar. Analytical observational research method with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study was 192 posyandu cadres in Jaten village, the sampling technique used was "accidental sampling" where 54 people filled out the questionnaire.
The results of the study on the Education Level of Respondents Most of the respondents had an adequate education level (SMA), namely 42 respondents (77.8%), the implementation of early detection of risky pregnancies by posyandu cadres, most of the respondents had good early detection applications, namely 41 respondents (75.8%) , the results of the cross-tabulation analysis with the Chi-square test, the result is the p value = 0.000.
Conclusion: there is a relationship between education level and the application of early detection of risky pregnancies by posyandu cadres in Jaten village, Karanganyar.
Keywords: cadres, early detection, risky pregnancy
Masalah kesehatan ibu dan anak masih merupakan masalah krusial di Indonesia karena AKI dan AKB merupakan salah satu indikator kesejahteraan suatu bangsa. Pemerintah sudah mengadakan berbagai upaya perbaikan namun belum mengalami kemajuan yang significan. Masalah kematian ibu dan kematian bayi berkaitan dengan berbagai faktor diantaranya seperti akses, SDM, penduduk (tingkat pendidikan, faktor sosial budaya, kemiskinan, daya beli dan kepadatan penduduk), serta kebijakan yang mengatur dan mengupayakan keterjangkauan akses kesehatan SDM dan kebijakan tentang kependudukan (PP IBI, 2016).Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Dengan Penerapan Deteksi Dini Kehamilan beresiko Oleh Kader Posyandu Di Desa Jaten, Karanganyar. Metode penelitiannya yaitu observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah 192 orang kader posyandu di desa Jaten, tehnik sampling yang digunakan adalah “Accidental Sampling†dimana yang mengisi kuesioner sejumlah 54 orang. Hasil penelitian Tingkat Pendidikan responden sebagian besar mempunyai Tingkat Pendidikan Cukup (SMA) yaitu 42 responden (77,8 %), penerapan deteksi dini kehamilan beresiko oleh kader posyandu sebagian besar responden mempunyai penerapan deteksi dini yang baik yaitu 41 responden (75,8%), hasil analisis cros tabulasi dengan uji Chi-square di dapatkan hasil nya nilai p = 0,000.
Simpulan : ada hubungan antara tingkat pendidikan dengan penerapan deteksi dini kehamilan beresiko oleh kader posyandu desa Jaten, Karanganyar. Â
Kata Kunci : kader, deteksi dini, kehamilan beresiko
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