Yogi Utomo, Galih Setia Adi, Tresia Umarianti


Gout arthritis is a disease caused by the accumulation of uric acid or uric monosodium crystalline in tissues,
particularly in join tissues. Non-pharmacological management such as herbal therapy and complementary one is
usually suggested to deal with it. A preliminary study conducted at Community Health Center of Banyudono I
shows that 64 (37.6%) of the clients there experienced hyperuricemia. The objective of this research is to investigate
the effect of the combination of acupressure therapy and soursop juice administration on the decrease of the gout
arthritis sufferers’ uric acid level. This research used the quasi experimental research method with pre-test and
post-test with control group design. Its population was 64 clients in the work area of Community Health Center of
Banyudono I. Purposive sampling technique was used to determine its samples. The respondents of the research
based on the Roscoe’s Theory 20: 10 in the treatment group and 10 in the control group. The result of the paired
t test to the treatment group shows that the p-value was 0.000 which was less than 0.05. Meanwhile, the result of
the independent t test to the treatment group and control group shows that the p-value was 0.149 which was
greater than 0.05. Thus, the combination of acupressure therapy and soursop juice administration had an effect
on the decrease of uric acid level, but there was not any significant difference of effect of the acupressure therapy
and the soursop juice administration between the treatment group and the control group on the decrease of uric
acid level.
Keywords: Acupressure, gout arthritis, soursop juice, uric acid level
Penyakit gout atau gout arthritis merupakan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh penumpukan asam urat atau kristal
monosodium urat (MSU) di jaringan, terutama jaringan sendi. Penatalaksanaan secara non farmakologi yang biasanya
sering disarankan yaitu dengan terapi herbal dan terapi komplementer. Studi pendahuluan yang dilakukan peneliti
di Puskesmas Banyudono I didapatkan data 64 (37,6%) warga mengalami hiperurisemia. Tujuan penelitian ini
untuk mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi terapi akupresur dan pemberian jus sirsak terhadap penurunan kadar asam
urat pada penderita gout arthritis. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasy-experiment dengan pendekatan pre
test and post test with control group. Populasi penelitian ini sebanyak 64 orang di wilayah kerja puskesmas
Banyudono I. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Jumlah responden pada penelitian
ini berdasarkan pada Roscoe sebanyak 20 responden, 10 responden sebagai kelompok perlakuan dan 10 responden
sebagai kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisa uji paired t test  pada kelompok perlakuan didapatkan p value = 0,000 <
0,05. Sedangkan hasil analisa uji independen t test pada kelompok perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol didapatkan p
value = 0,149 > 0,05. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terdapat pengaruh kombinasi terapi akupresur dan
pemberian jus sirsak terhadap penurunan kadar asam urat dan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna pada kelompok
perlakuan dan kelompok kontrol terhadap penurunan kadar asam urat.
Kata Kunci: Akupresur, gout arthritis, jus sirsak, kadar asam urat



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