Arista Apriani, Wijayanti -, Desy Widyastutik


Breastfeeding problems can arise during childbirth and lactation are breast swelling, interventions to alleviate it
is needed. Breast care spending could help smooth milk. Compress the cabbage leaves can be used for therapy
because it helps widen the capillaries and increase blood flow to enter and exit, allowing the body to reabsorb the
fluid that is unstoppable in the breast. The purpose of analyzing the effectiveness of the management and the
cabbage leaf compress against breast swelling breast care for postpartum mothers. Type quasi experimental study
design with non-randomized control group pretest posttest. Engineering samples of non-probability sampling
types consecutive sampling. Total sample of 15 subjects per group. Pretest and posttest with SPES checklist. The
experimental group intervention breastcare and compresses cabbage leaf, breastcare intervention control group.
Intervention as 2x1 for 3 days. Results of analysis  difference breast swelling scores before and after treatment
between the experimental group compared with the control group gained Mann Whitney test p <0.001, and the
value of Z -3306, 10.60 mean rank the experimental group and the control group mean rank 20,40. conclusion No
difference difference in breast swelling scores before and after treatment was statistically significant between the
experimental group than the control group in which cabbage leaf compress treatment and breast care more effectively
address the problem of breast engorgement for postpartum mothers than breast care treatment only.
Keywords: Cabbage Leaves Compress, Breast Care, Breast Swelling, Treatment
Masalah yang  dapat  timbul  pada  masa nifas dan laktasi adalah pembengkakan payudara, intervensi  untuk
meringankannya sangat dibutuhkan. Breast care dapat  membantu  memperlancar pengeluaran  ASI. Kompres
daun kubis  dapat  digunakan  untuk  terapi karena membantu  memperlebar  pembuluh  darah  kapiler dan
meningkatkan  aliran  darah  untuk  keluar  masuk, sehingga  memungkinkan  tubuh  untuk  menyerap  kembali
cairan  yang terbendung dalam payudara. Tujuan menganalisis efektivitas penatalaksanaan kompres daun kubis
dan breast care terhadap pembengkakan payudara bagi ibu nifas. Jenis studi  quasi  eksperimental dengan desain
non randomized control group pretest posttest. Teknik sampel non  probability  sampling   jenis  consecutive
sampling.  Jumlah sampel 15 subjek per kelompok. Pretest dan posttest  dengan checklist SPES. Kelompok
eksperimen  intervensi breast care dan kompres daun kubis, kelompok kontrol intervensi breastcare. Intervensi
sebanyak 2x1 selama 3 hari. Hasil analisis  selisih skor pembengkakan payudara sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan
antara kelompok eksperimen dibandingkan kelompok kontrol dengan uji mann whitney didapat  nilai p < 0,001,
serta nilai Z -3.306, mean rank kelompok eksperimen 10,60 serta mean rank kelompok kontrol 20,40. Kesimpulan
ada perbedaan selisih skor pembengkakan payudara sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan yang secara statistik signifikan
antara kelompok eksperimen dibandingkan kelompok kontrol dimana penatalaksanaan kompres daun kubis dan
breast care lebih efektif mengatasi masalah pembengkakan payudara bagi ibu nifas dibandingkan penatalaksanaan
breast care saja.
Kata Kunci: Penatalaksanaan, Kompres Daun Kubis, Breast Care, Pembengkakan Payudara.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.54877/maternal.v2i4.701


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